• Oracle bind passes the variables by reference. This is understandable if how Oracle obtains the value of a program variable is known. Oracle can get the value of a variable if it knows three things: the address of the value, the length in bytes of the value and to what type to convert the value to.
    (tags: oracle php)
  • You should also know that there are actually two ways in which you can use bound variables between PHP and Oracle. The method discussed here is called bound parameters, meaning that the parameters of a query are bound to variables (you'll also see this referred to as a prepared statement). The other method is bound results, which is a different way of retrieving values from a database (after running a SELECT query).
  • Welcome to the Oracle+PHP Cookbook! Whether you are a Web developer or enterprise developer looking to combine the robustness of the Oracle engine with the simplicity, performance, and ease-of-use of PHP, you are bound to find several interesting "recipes" here, each contributed by PHP coders, that will help you take full advantage of both technologies.
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