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Hitchwiki:About – Hitchwiki
e Hitchwiki is a collaborative website for gathering information about hitchhiking and other ways of extremely cheap ways of transport. It was inspired by Wikipedia and by Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. At some point it was left abandoned by its founder, and found and adopted by Guaka. As a hitchhiker you’re encouraged to read and write this guide, by adding your knowledge, improving existing articles and starting new ones! Anyone is allowed to edit – you don’t even need to log in.
HitchHikers blog
Komodo Edit: The Free and Open Source Dynamic Languages Editor
Komodo Edit is a free, open source editor from dynamic language experts.
All the languages
All the languages
Dynamic language expertise for Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl, plus JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and XML, and template languages like RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty and Django.
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