• Adarsh S Vansay installed solar cell plates and windmill at his house in JP Nagar two years ago and now plans to disconnect BESCOM power supply to his house.
  • here are all sorts of ways to access your email while on the road. You can set up a web-based account with Hotmail, Yahoo or any of a host of other online services. You can use your ISP’s or company’s web-based email log-in. You can use remote control software to access your desktop. You can tinker around with Gmail’s IMAP and forwarding settings to cobble something together.
    (tags: smtp portable)
  • This document covers how I have set up my Linux box to work as a Mail Server. The details will be specific to Arch Linux, but it will be be general enough for any *nix distribution if you have a knowledge of installing software packages, finding the location of configuration files, and starting/stoping services..

    My goals in creating this mail system are to have all of my mail, from various email accounts, stored locally on my machine so I can access it anytime via SSH, the web, or imap. I wanted all of my mail delivered to my local user account and I wanted the spam to be sucked out and launched into space.

  • Ubuntu + Postfix + Courier IMAP + MySQL + Amavisd-new + SpamAssassin + ClamAV + SASL + TLS + SquirrelMail/Roundcube + Postgrey

    Easy to follow howto on setting up a mail server with unlimited users and domains, with IMAP/Pop access, anti-spam, anti-virus, secure authentication, encrypted traffic, web mail interface and more.

    Based on an Ubuntu distribution platform, but instructions are distro generic. Examples are run on Amazon AWS ec2, but only for demonstration purposes.

  • Peeing in Pune. Urinating in Udaipur. Leaking in Leh. Relieving in Rameshwaram.
  • This online course on Right to Information Act of 2005 is going to get at the principles and practices that are making communities everywhere more educated and empowered with rights. INFORMS is guiding and empowering communities to develop and evolve in ways that are more just, transparent, healthier and more morally responsible. It is our strong perception that INDIA can achieve its aim of bieng leading power only when it is free from corruption. The corruption can be curb only by educating people.

  • We have given special care to achieve maximum accuracy of the output result.The timing are calculated with extreme accuacy with ±0.01 seconds, its unbelievable to employ such complex calculation on Java Enabled Mobile Phones and much much accurate than the Printed Copy of Panjika (Almanac) available in the Market. One sample is given below–

    We use NASA's JPL DE406 ephemeris in a highly compressed format with some interpolations, Chapront Moon ELP-2000/82 for Lunar Ephemeris, The value used for the Moon's n-dot is -25.858 ["/cy2] (Last proved from Moon Laser Test) and ΔT from Morrison/Stephenson, using Espenak's (NASA) own polynomal description which are known as latest and most correct formula right now. Our Software Reports fully tallies with Bisuddhanta Siddhanta / Driksiddha Panjika and Rastriya Panchanga Published by Govt. of India.

  • ACME Labs is proud to make available a variety of software, all free, some trivial, some massive, all high-quality.
  • Some comparisons between various web servers. We look at features, sizes, and performance. The headers in the table are links to explanatory notes below. Bright green entries indicate something unusually good, and red entries are something bad, sometimes with a link to a note explaining why.

    Don't get too excited over the performance figures. Most of these servers have enough oomph to keep a T1 saturated, running on a lowly 100MHz Pentium or maybe even a 486. Very very few web applications need more power than that. So, the fact that Apache is not that fast shouldn't be of concern to most people.

  • micro_httpd is a very small Unix-based HTTP server. It runs from inetd, which means its performance is poor. But for low-traffic sites, it's quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP server, including:

    * Security against ".." filename snooping.
    * The common MIME types.
    * Trailing-slash redirection.
    * index.html
    * Directory listings.

    All in about 200 lines of code.

  • On 8 July 1945, Bose laid the foundation stone of the INA War Memorial at the Esplanade, Singapore to commemorate the “Unknown Warrior” of the INA. The words inscribed upon the War Memorial were the motto of the INA: Unity (Ittefaq), Faith (Etmad) and Sacrifice (Kurbani).

    * Timeline |
    * British India |
    * The INA |
    * Women's Regiment |
    * On to Delhi |
    * Remembering the INA

  • DDclient is a Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entries for accounts on Dynamic DNS Network Services' free DNS service. It was originally written by Paul Burry and is now maintained by developers for ddclient on sourceforge. It has the capability to update more than just dyndns and it can fetch your WAN-ipaddress in a few different ways. Check the configuration pages to find how to do this.

    According to cudeso.be:
    DDclient is a small but full featured client requiring only Perl and no additional modules. It runs under most UNIX OSes and has been tested under GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. Supported features include: operating as a daemon, manual and automatic updates, static and dynamic updates, optimized updates for multiple addresses, MX, wildcards, abuse avoidance, retrying failed updates, and sending update status to syslog and through e-mail.

  • Our free Dynamic DNS service lets you easily connect to your home network from
    anywhere. Use your personalized URL to view home security cameras, download
    shared files from your VPN, or even host a personal website. Don't pay for a static IP address; our software syncs your domain to your network automatically.