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Month: February 2016
A Chilling Abuse of Law… via @thewire_in
RT @ParomaMukherjee: Members of JNU faculty threatened, pushed and sexually harassed in the courtroom. What the hell?! Please RT. #JNU http…
RT @ambedkarperiyar: Journalists should really resign from times now. Why would you want to work for a channel who doesn’t even stand for y…
RT @HartoshSinghBal: ABVP wants forensic test of video for its students, quite happy to have everyone else picked up w/o such checks http…
RT @kavita_krishnan: BJP MLA OP Sharma caught on camera kicking a man lying on the ground. Outside Court. When will @BhimBassi arrest him?
‘Maro saale ko’: What I saw and heard inside the courtroom:…
‘Maro saale ko’: What I saw and heard inside the courtroom:…