Month: July 2016
ಕಾಯಕವೆ ಕೈಲಾಸ. Work is worship.
ಕಾಯಕವೆ ಕೈಲಾಸ. Work is worship.
ಕಾಯಕವೆ ಕೈಲಾಸ. Work is worship.…
I miss 3d holographic speeches #Trump
I miss 3d holographic speeches #Trump
Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk {replace America with India and it works}
Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk {replace America with India and it works}
Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk ht…
Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk {replace America with India and it works}
Indian Americans supporting or funding Trump hopefully know what it means.
Indian Americans supporting or funding Trump hopefully know what it means.
Indian Americans supporting or funding Trump hopef…
Indian Americans supporting or funding Trump hopefully know what it means.