Month: February 2017
Not that India is different. Ex: Swach Bharat (Nirmal Bharat) to Niti Aayog (Planning commission)
How is that a media problem?
RT @lobopraveen: There are some key differences between Modi and Trump. Trump isn’t afraid to hold press conferences.
@lobopraveen May be applying brain is not part of sharing.
Its true. I had much more respect for him when his bat used to do all the talking.
Did he actually do this comparison? Yes, he did. And I wonder why where Indian politics is going?
Election times in UP #RoadTripWithAppa @ India, Allahabad
Election times in UP #RoadTripWithAppa
Election times in UP #RoadTripWithAppa
Instagram filter used: Gingham
Photo taken at: India, Allahabad
This morning’s breakfast came from #RoadTripWithAppa
This morning’s breakfast came from #RoadTripWithAppa
Instagram filter used: Normal
Photo taken at: Indian Coffee House