Month: March 2017
RT @SankarshanT: Madhubani MP Hukumdeo Narain Yadav boards for Delhi in Patna, insists on being only passenger in bus from terminal to airc…
RT @deray: he just lies so effortlessly.
RT @josephfcox: Here’s how you can verify an email address is linked to a site without illegally logging into the account…
{May be they will send her to neighbor country}…
{May be they will send her to neighbor country}
In the past week, I contributed 4 days to humanitarian scientific research through @WCGrid. Join me!…
@AnujSrivas One money bill can change it. @timesofindia
RT @josephfcox: Crazy case: lawyers filmed pornos, uploaded to Pirate Bay. Used subpoenas to track downloaders, extort millions https://t.c…
Next would be linking Aadhaar to VoterID & you have to fingerprint before voting that way they know whom you voted for. Transparency FTW /s
Next would be linking Aadhaar to VoterID & you have to fingerprint before voting that way they know whom you voted for. Transparency FTW /s