Day: May 17, 2017
Hello @vhmth @yoyo_thomas Thanks for @useloom Great product. I use it to create how-tos for @datameet community
@sagaro @GanaVK One of my biggest dream is to spend a month or two in NE. Enjoy culture and food. Get to know people. May be next year…
RT @jackerhack: Everyone asking about keeping the phone number private: please note there was a direct challenge to violate privacy. https:…
{ Today’s #wtfnews is #AadhaarTrollMafia }
RT @cyb3rops: Nmap NSE script by @calderpwn to detect CVE-2017-0143 vuln used by #WannaCry… instructions: https://…
{ This is an awesome super user tool } Search through your filesystem with SQL-esque queries.
{ This is an awesome super user tool }
Search through your filesystem with SQL-esque queries.
{ In today’s #wtfnews We will see this happening very soon everywhere. }…
RT @josephfcox: Identifying criminals is one thing (We know, we’ve all done it). There’s a public interest. But just the guy who helped out…
{ Good news. }…
{ Good news. }…