8. Also something that i think very human is empathy towards other human beings which most systems lack today.
Day: May 25, 2017
@manjulogic Languages + Arts + History is what I prefer. But yes can start with language. Most important.
RT @gnowgi: But on a deeper level, mediation of technology is the reason why society exists. Would you consider language as a technology? B…
7. Hence most times I prefer evolution against disruption. It gives time for most of us.
7. Hence most times I prefer evolution against disruption. It gives time for most of us.
@gnowgi I do consider language as technology + more.
6. ..systems have on humans today. Now imagine AI & How important humanities is while building such systems.
6. ..systems have on humans today. Now imagine AI & How important humanities is while building such systems.
5. Once upon a time we used fix code if it didn’t behave. Today we fix our accent if Siri or Echo can’t understand. That’s kind influence
5. Once upon a time we used fix code if it didn’t behave. Today we fix our accent if Siri or Echo can’t understand. That’s kind influence
RT @siddhya: Ethics should be the first lesson taught in an engineering course. https://twitter.com/thej/status/867584126542426112
RT @gnowgi: @thej I studied at IIT Kanpur, which had humanities. The various other engineering colleges in India, I agree, do not follow t…
4. One can always fix the tech aspect of a system but its super difficult to fix the social aspect of it once ingrained
4. One can always fix the tech aspect of a system but its super difficult to fix the social aspect of it once ingrained