Day: June 22, 2017
Anil Kumble’s forced exit makes Virat Kohli and Co look like entitled brats…
Anil Kumble’s forced exit makes Virat Kohli and Co look like entitled brats…
RT @gubbilabs: Create visual music for Oskar Fischinger’s 117th birthday in this #GoogleDoodle
RT @HariniNagendra: Movingly argued piece. Where are #commons of #India? Fenced by private encroachers & state. Who guards the guard? https…
People of the book
It is safe to assume that any book of significance is hard to bring into the world. Even so, Kannada writer Vasudhendra’s collection of short stories Mohanaswamy has had a particularly precarious journey to publication.
Intro to SDR and RF Signal Analysis
Intro to SDR and RF Signal Analysis
The increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) and other devices becoming wireless is very much apparent in today’s society.
People of the book…
Intro to SDR and RF Signal Analysis…
How to use BeyondCorp to ditch your VPN, improve security and go to the cloud @google…
ಕೃಷಿ ಸಾಲಮನ್ನಾ ಘೋಷಣೆ…
ಕೃಷಿ ಸಾಲಮನ್ನಾ ಘೋಷಣೆ…