Day: July 27, 2017
RT @meerak: The rights to freedoms of expr, association, movemt, personal liberty & conscience need privacy to survive/flourish. https://t.…
RT @nutanc: AP drops criminal cases against 23 of its leaders. Yes Chandrababu Naidu is the beacon of hope we all wanted. Wasted opportunit…
RT @anujbhuwania: Deja vu at the Stasi Museum (MfS: Minister for Security) #Aadhaar
RT @Chilipili: I write on freeing up govt data: Dear govt, make trapped data public, to set off informed debates:……
@recipebot onion spinach eggs
{We need state governance data. Will Karnataka govt open it? #OpenData }…
RT @jackerhack: Someone do a deep dive into the digital/data colonisation rhetoric. That stuff is shady af.
When do you become an insider in your city?:…
When do you become an insider in your city?:…