Month: July 2017
RT @amitvarma: You guys banned Satanic Verses, and kept 295(a), 153(a) & 124 (a) on the books. Sorry, but you ceded the high moral ground l…
{ So much has been returned ? }…
{ So much has been returned ? }
There are no 10x developers but there are many 10% developers.
There are no 10x developers but there are many 10% developers.
In a @factordaily article: Pramod Varma : Does anyone write a web server anymore? In my head – Yes, @caddyserver…
I want a service like @haveibeenpwned for mobile nos in India and may be in future for Aadhaar nos too.
Guest Post: Judicial Review and Proportionality of Punishment… via @wordpressdotcom
If you like OrgMode then @Orgzly is great app for Android/ios. Also FOSS.
Eternal Terminal
On youtube: Eternal Terminal
{ hmmmm }…
{ hmmmm }