Month: September 2017
@codelust Question should have been – is #aadhaar an ID?
Arnab Goswami: An absentee reporter | Newslaundry… via @newslaundry
Deadline: “Should live-tweeting of court proceedings be permitted?” asks Delhi HC Committee –…
RT @Memeghnad: All you people trending #ArnabDidIt are just jealous pseudo-liberal sickulerati anti-nationals. The man is a goddamn superhe…
Using IBM Watson AlchemyLanguage service to extract the summary/concepts out of videos. Would be great for tagging ……
Using IBM Watson AlchemyLanguage service to extract the summary/concepts out of videos. Would be great for tagging
If you are a single wo/man company, how do you handle “in case get hit by a bus” factor?
If you are a single wo/man company, how do you handle “in case get hit by a bus” factor?
I just saw Do people living with HIV have a right to protect their health data? – Click to see also ☛…
I just saw Do people living with HIV have a right to protect their health data? – Click to see also ☛…