Month: November 2017
RT @SreenivasanJain: Nagpur police begin informal inquiries into #JusticeLoya’s death after Caravan story, reports @mps9320. More details o…
RT @mps9320: No designated drivers, no employee remembers #JusticeLoya heart attack, CCTV cameras installed a year after the death. Ravi Bh…
RT @dawn_com: There are reports that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are blocked in Pakistan. Are they blocked for you? Reply and let us know. M…
Input takes its aesthetic cues from monospaced fonts and pixel fonts designed for consoles and screens
Input takes its aesthetic cues from monospaced fonts and pixel fonts designed for consoles and screens
RT @leolaporte: Local authorities have been distributing ComputerCOP “safety” software that sends all keystrokes to a server unencrypted. T…
RT @leolaporte: Download and print this test if you’re worried about Alzheimers. Then bring it to your doc for a diagnosis (or a baseline).…
RT @mkvenu1: S&P not upgraded India’s rating citing rising govt debt & low per capita income.So this wont be a media event a la Moody’s.Bot…
Are there any good books on using Placebo Effect in treatments, like say for depression? Please suggest or RT. Very interested in reading.
Are there any good books on using Placebo Effect in treatments, like say for depression? Please suggest or RT. Very interested in reading.