Vulnerabilities and problems with the coding of the mAadhaar app… Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej Vulnerabilities and problems with the coding of the mAadhaar app…
RT @amitvarma: So I bought this. Then I went to the bank. ‘Sir, we need your Aadhaar.’ ‘Sure.’ Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej
RT @barunsmitra: #Aadhaar is seeking to convert Citizens into property of the government to identify and account for.… Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej
RT @acorn: Give us all orange passports. Or give us all blue ones. Either colour is fine. Just ensure it’s one colour. Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej
RT @acorn: In fact, the whole idea of Emigration Clearance needs to be thrown into the dustbin of history. The government shouldn’t “clear”… Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej
RT @acorn: However well-intentioned the move to create different coloured passports for different kinds of travellers, it is wrong and must… Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej
RT @amitvarma: The biggest disrespect to the national anthem is to force people to stand for it. Posted on January 14, 2018 by @thej