Indian Govt. A Likely Culprit in WhatsApp Snooping Scandal, Pegasus Documents Show…
Day: November 4, 2019
RT @atti_cus: “Inaccessible”. Again, IFF is doing incredibly important work, please consider donating to them. Every single rupee is extrem…
RT @atti_cus: “Inaccessible”. Again, IFF is doing incredibly important work, please consider donating to them. Every single rupee is extrem…
RT @paranjoygt: Besides May alert, WhatsApp sent another in Sept on 121 Indians breached…
RT @paranjoygt: Besides May alert, WhatsApp sent another in Sept on 121 Indians breached…
RT @Advaidism: The poisonous smog is slowly arriving in South India now.
RT @Advaidism: The poisonous smog is slowly arriving in South India now.
RT @TheDeshBhakt: Museum of Indian Democracy sounds just about right. 👍🙏
RT @TheDeshBhakt: Museum of Indian Democracy sounds just about right. 👍🙏
The proposal of revamping Central Vista by Gujarat-based firm, includes
new ‘Museum of Indian Democracy’, a new separate building for the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and a new residence for the Prime Minister closer to the Rashtrapati Bhawan among other big changes.— Anisha Dutta (@A2D2_) November 3, 2019
RT @apar1984: Urge people in the courts & who like to approach them to consider the risks & benefits of the PIL route on the Pegasus Spywar…
RT @apar1984: Urge people in the courts & who like to approach them to consider the risks & benefits of the PIL route on the Pegasus Spywar…
RT @gautambhatia88: Happy birthday, @Sudhabharadwaj. Here is an interview with her, just before her arrest and imprisonment, in a case that…
RT @gautambhatia88: Happy birthday, @Sudhabharadwaj. Here is an interview with her, just before her arrest and imprisonment, in a case that…
RT @purpleremnants: Amul has increasingly been an everyday dose of jingoism and militarism, capitalising on and normalising majoritarian se…
RT @purpleremnants: Amul has increasingly been an everyday dose of jingoism and militarism, capitalising on and normalising majoritarian se…