RT @AishwaryaSudhir: #chandighar cycling lanes! The ones in #Bangalore have failed! It was a beautiful city and I hope it remains so. @CBha…
Tag: bangalore
RT @AishwaryaSudhir: Lovely winter blooms and polluted air #bangalore today! I am currently smoking 4.4 cigarettes in #jayanagar #construct…
RT @AishwaryaSudhir: Lovely winter blooms and polluted air #bangalore today! I am currently smoking 4.4 cigarettes in #jayanagar #construct…
RT @CijIndia: Introducing #speakers for #BootcampDataLEADS on 17 November at #Bangalore. Hands-on Exercise on #Data by @thej from @datamee…
RT @CijIndia: Introducing #speakers for #BootcampDataLEADS on 17 November at #Bangalore. Hands-on Exercise on #Data by @thej from @datamee…
RT @NyaayaIN: #Bangalore people! How about Joining us for Coffee with Nyaaya? Let’s have a chat this Sunday on the #Law and your experience…
RT @NyaayaIN: #Bangalore people! How about Joining us for Coffee with Nyaaya? Let’s have a chat this Sunday on the #Law and your experience…
RT @UnwindingBlues: #Bangalore folks, looking for a contact at Jayamahal Palace hotel to figure the possibility of doing an event there. An…
RT @UnwindingBlues: #Bangalore folks, looking for a contact at Jayamahal Palace hotel to figure the possibility of doing an event there. An…
RT @gopikabashi: #Bangalore came together this evening outside the offices of Vedanta to demand justice for the people of Thoothukudi. #Tut…
RT @gopikabashi: #Bangalore came together this evening outside the offices of Vedanta to demand justice for the people of Thoothukudi. #Tut…
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Need to visit @amrutmalt
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Photo taken at: Bangalore City