Uniform Server is a complete Windows Apache MySQL PHP (WAMP) portable server package that allows a user to run a production or live Web Server and host Websites directly from a portable device. Uniform Server also allows Web application developers to test applications made with Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl without placing the work on a dedicated server or Webhost
For RSA signing of applets, two types of signing tools are currently supported in Java Plug-in:
1. Jarsigner—a tool that is shipped as part of the Java 2 SDK. Command is jarsigner …
2. Netscape Signing Tool—a tool that is provided by Netscape for signing applets in Navigator/Communicator. The latest version of the signing tool may be download from http://developer.netscape.com/software/signedobj/jarpack.html. (Note that Netscape no longer makes older versions of the signing tool available for download.) Command is signtool … -
A tool to help visualise API differences between two different versions of a project. Jardiff takes two jar files and outputs all the public API changes as xml, html or plain text. Currently this is command line driven, though we are working on an ant plugin. It requires java 1.4 to run.
When an application is launched, Java Web Start inspects the JNLP file and creates an HTTP GET request with the URL and version ID. If no version attribute is specified, then Java Web Start simply creates an HTTP GET request of the JAR file. The response status code and MIME type from the Web server are inspected by Java Web Start to determine if the JAR file has a newer version.
Delivering client-side Java technology-based programs has recently been a daunting task. Browser differences — both in versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and security architecture — have caused many developers to abandon rich client-side solutions in favor of using Java technology on the server, with JavaServer Pages (JSPTM) and servlets. But now that Java Web Start — and the underlying Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) — are a standard part of the Java 2 platform (as of version 1.4), it's far easier to deploy cross-platform, client-side systems.
In this article, you'll take a look at what Java Web Start and JNLP are, learn how to use Java Web Start to run JNLP-packaged applications, and learn how to build and deploy your own.
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