• js.io simplifies creating rich web applications by providing direct integration with Open protocols.
  • Orbited provides a pure JavaScript/HTML socket in the browser. It is a web router and firewall that allows you to integrate web applications with arbitrary back-end systems. You can implement any network protocol in the browser—without resorting to plugins.
  • Hemlock is a new web development framework, focused on allowing easy development of real-time, many-to-many apps. Hemlock follows the inspiration of Ruby web frameworks like Rails and Merb. It can be used for applications such as games, workspace collaboration and education.
  • First, RSS and BitTorrent complement each other naturally. RSS was designed to report freshly available content, which is exactly where BitTorrent shines. RSS 2.0 enclosures were designed to automate the download process that BitTorrent optimizes.

    Second, combining the two should reduce the barrier to entry for small broadcasters. While not a new idea, video blogging has always borne a bandwidth cost. Combining BitTorrent's cost savings with widely available RSS emitting tools should, for example, make it possible for a small group of motivated people across the world to create their own news channel.

  • How to use sed, a special editor for modifying files automatically. If you want to write a program to make changes in a file, sed is the tool to use.
  • Amateur Radio is the wonderful hobby of experimentation and fun in the area of electronic communication. Every Government across the world have allocated frequencies for the amateurs to use. So if you want to transmit on these bands, embrace amateur radio! Amateurs are very very skilled in operating in tough communicating conditions. When everything else fails, Amateur Radio works just fine. Testimonies are the services of Amateurs during Sept-11 disaster, Gujarat Earthquake etc to name afew. Amateurs (HAMs) are so called not because they are not professionals at it, but because they don’t do it to make money or not have any monetory interests in it. Amateurs are usually the most knowledgable in the area of Communication and Electronics compared to even PhDs from Academic Institutions when it comes to practice. If in doubt, ask a graduate engineer about Antennas and about what frequency one should transmit during a particular period of an year.