Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts theguardian.com/technology/201… {whoever thought FB was good for Indians}
Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts theguardian.com/technology/201… {whoever thought FB was good for Indians}
RT @thej: Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts https://t.co/rtpPK4pvM0 {whoever thought FB was good for…
@thej If true..no diff than their policies in US where they pander to left.
RT @thej: Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts https://t.co/rtpPK4pvM0 {whoever thought FB was good for…
RT @thej: Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts https://t.co/rtpPK4pvM0 {whoever thought FB was good for…
RT @thej: Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts https://t.co/rtpPK4pvM0 {whoever thought FB was good for…
@thej is it really Facebook or is the government making them do it? I pick latter.
@GanaVK @thej what???
@lobopraveen haven’t read abt FB pushing back the news feeds from conservative blogs/columns in US ?@thej
RT @thej: Facebook under fire for ‘censoring’ Kashmir-related posts and accounts https://t.co/rtpPK4pvM0 {whoever thought FB was good for…