More than 50% of the blogs that I read are on either wordpress.com or hosted . So I created a simple scriptlet to fill the comment form for ease of commenting.Then I thought it could be useful to others too. So I wrote this small script to create a scriptlet for you.
In the following tutorial we show you how to use Qemu to run Ubuntu 8.04.1 from a flash drive, within Windows without rebooting. In addition, you will be able to mount the shared folder on the flash drive and use it between Windows and Ubuntu to share files between the two operating systems. Please note that you should only access the files in the shared folder with one operating system at a time. The running Ubuntu 8.04.1 OS will function like the Live CD. The persistence option is not being utilized.
Radio Pop enhances your BBC radio listening – enabling you to create a personal record of the programmes you hear, and see what your friends and everyone else is listening to.
The radio service of tomorrow, today!
Based in India, iYogi is the first direct to consumer, computer support service for millions faced with increasingly complex technologies. Our next-generation, personalized remote computer support services leverages the expertise and experience that India has developed over the last 20 years in providing excellent technical support to customers across the globe. iYogi is founded by a highly experienced and passionate team with a mission to raise the bar on the service quality. Our customer approval rate of 95% and resolution rate of 86% are amongst the highest published benchmarks in the computer support industry.
Would it not be great if your end customer could just pick up his phone and ask for something to get done – it could be a dealer he wants to connect to, a new TV channel that he’d like to subscribe, latest stock market trends that he’d like to check, booking that he needs to make, a song that he’d like to download and so on.
You ask for it, you get it. In principle, voice is the ultimate no-brainer interface – and a perfect fit with a all kinds of conceivable information and content services ranging from directory assistance to content search.
And if we could deploy it in your call center to cut down transaction times, improve access and yet not compromise on reliability, security, functionality.
So how does mScriber let you see your voice™? Simple – It listens carefully to what you have to say. It then applies speech recognition technologies and processes to convert your voice into text. Finally, it lets that text reach your recipient (s) in the way you want – as an SMS, Email, Blog. It also lets your receipient(s) use the text the way you want – for general information purposes, for searching for additional information, for voice analysis or as simple notes.
American Rhetoric: Top 100 Speeches of the 20th Century by Rank