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RT @calamur: 5 judges from 5 religions. All men. Men deciding on Patriarchy. & the rights of other men to decide for women. what can poss…
RT @DKMahant: Think about it. @KapilMishraAAP sitting on a fast in protest is covered by all channels. Scores of farmers from Tamil Nadu go…
RT @calamur: On my school WA group 😊😂
Posted on
May 11, 2017
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RT @calamur: 5 judges from 5 religions. All men. Men deciding on Patriarchy. & the rights of other men to decide for women. what can poss…
RT @DKMahant: Think about it. @KapilMishraAAP sitting on a fast in protest is covered by all channels. Scores of farmers from Tamil Nadu go…