Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions.
Wireshark development thrives thanks to the contributions of networking experts across the globe. It is the continuation of a project that started in 1998.
This month, learn what quality attributes are, how they're documented, and how they can assist you in your work as an architect.
In this second part of his series on designing software architectures, Mikko walks you through the role of the architect, from pre-planning the project prior to its inception to cleaning up the loose ends after it's shipped.
Put all that architecture design theory into practice this month, as Mikko walks you through the design of an RSS reader — from setting requirements to evaluating results
Summary: The designing software architectures series continues with a look at the 4+1 view model. The 4+1 view model lets you separate a system into four essential views: logical, process, physical, and development. Then, for good measure, it gives you one more: a use case view that describes the functional aspects of the system as a whole.
Category: bits
links for 2009-07-28
Like many other social networking sites of its ilk, Twitter too helps people remain connected. Now, it will provide a platform for a social cause – blood donation.
‘Tweet4blood’, as the name indicates, is an online appeal in which you can just tweet in (or type in) your blood requirement along with your contact number. Those tweeting could see your message and contact you.
links for 2009-06-12
js.io simplifies creating rich web applications by providing direct integration with Open protocols.
Orbited provides a pure JavaScript/HTML socket in the browser. It is a web router and firewall that allows you to integrate web applications with arbitrary back-end systems. You can implement any network protocol in the browser—without resorting to plugins.
Hemlock is a new web development framework, focused on allowing easy development of real-time, many-to-many apps. Hemlock follows the inspiration of Ruby web frameworks like Rails and Merb. It can be used for applications such as games, workspace collaboration and education.
First, RSS and BitTorrent complement each other naturally. RSS was designed to report freshly available content, which is exactly where BitTorrent shines. RSS 2.0 enclosures were designed to automate the download process that BitTorrent optimizes.
Second, combining the two should reduce the barrier to entry for small broadcasters. While not a new idea, video blogging has always borne a bandwidth cost. Combining BitTorrent's cost savings with widely available RSS emitting tools should, for example, make it possible for a small group of motivated people across the world to create their own news channel.
How to use sed, a special editor for modifying files automatically. If you want to write a program to make changes in a file, sed is the tool to use.
Amateur Radio is the wonderful hobby of experimentation and fun in the area of electronic communication. Every Government across the world have allocated frequencies for the amateurs to use. So if you want to transmit on these bands, embrace amateur radio! Amateurs are very very skilled in operating in tough communicating conditions. When everything else fails, Amateur Radio works just fine. Testimonies are the services of Amateurs during Sept-11 disaster, Gujarat Earthquake etc to name afew. Amateurs (HAMs) are so called not because they are not professionals at it, but because they don’t do it to make money or not have any monetory interests in it. Amateurs are usually the most knowledgable in the area of Communication and Electronics compared to even PhDs from Academic Institutions when it comes to practice. If in doubt, ask a graduate engineer about Antennas and about what frequency one should transmit during a particular period of an year.
links for 2009-06-11
Online tool for testing your regular expressing
A JavaScript library that provides an augmented, cross-browser implementation of regular expressions, including support for additional modifiers and syntax. Several convenience methods and a recursive-construct parser are also included.
links for 2009-06-08
Satellite™ is an all in one photo gallery website that takes advantage of Yahoo Flickr's image hosting and management tools. You can upload and manage your images using Flickr and host your portfolio on your own server via Satellite™.
When you upload images to Flickr, your website is automatically updated! You can further take advantage of Flickr's Organizer to create Photosets and assign Keywords to your images. All of the work you do on Flickr is mirrored on your website via Satellite™.
Satellite™ is CSS based, so you may customize its look and feel by downloading themes or creating your own.
Amazon S3 supports the BitTorrent protocol so that developers can save costs when distributing content at high scale. Amazon S3 is useful for simple, reliable storage of any data. The default distribution mechanism for Amazon S3 data is via client/server download. In client/server distribution, the entire object is transferred point-to-point from Amazon S3 to every authorized user who requests that object. While client/server delivery is appropriate for a wide variety of use cases, it is not optimal for everybody. Specifically, the costs of client/server distribution increase linearly as the number of users downloading objects increases. This can make it expensive to distribute popular objects.
links for 2009-06-01
JGit and EGit are implementations of the Git SCM (by King Penguin) in Java. Git is the killer SCM originally developed for the Linux Kernel, but now thanks the versatility and extreme performance is taking over as the main SCM tool for an ever increasing number of other projects too. Git is available on any Unix-like platform plus Microsoft Windows.
links for 2009-05-29
Monitor your website. You will get an alert when its down either by email or by sms.
links for 2009-05-26
OpenSTA supplies versatile Test development software that enables you to create and run Tests tailor-made for the environment you are assessing. The contents and structure of a Test will depend on the type of test you are conducting, the nature of the system you are targeting and the aims of your performance test.
links for 2009-05-19
he Yellowbrick Adventure Tracker is a well-proven, self-contained, fully-automatic satellite tracking device. It will accurately report its position from anywhere on Earth, including polar, ocean and desert regions. It is lightweight, waterproof and built to withstand extreme environments.
Yellowbrick improves media relations and generates public interest in remote events. Originally designed for Adventure Racing, it has applications in yacht racing, trekking, cycling, skiing, polar expeditions, mountaineering, gliding and many other activities that take place in areas where communications are challenging. Yellowbrick's alert feature complements existing safety procedures, allowing teams to rapidly notify organisers of a problem.