You choose which of your social network profiles you would like to share with people when you meet them in the real world.
A small logo of each social network you choose is displayed as a link on your « Poken Card ,» which shows only your most basic information. Your contacts can view your Poken Card on doyoupoken.com, but, if they want to see more, they only have to click the logo to see your profile on the social networking site you’ve chosen to share.
On the Poken site you and your friends can view your contacts alphabetically, or chronologically in your "social timeline." You can also send messages, group contacts with a label, write notes for yourself about each contact, and so much more.
010 Editor is a professional-grade text editor and hex editor designed to quickly and easily edit any file or drive on your computer. Combining an easy-to-use interface with a whole range of editing tools, 010 Editor is a valuable tool for anyone working with text or binary files.
Category: bits
links for 2009-03-12
Uniform Server is a complete Windows Apache MySQL PHP (WAMP) portable server package that allows a user to run a production or live Web Server and host Websites directly from a portable device. Uniform Server also allows Web application developers to test applications made with Apache, PHP, MySQL and Perl without placing the work on a dedicated server or Webhost
For RSA signing of applets, two types of signing tools are currently supported in Java Plug-in:
1. Jarsigner—a tool that is shipped as part of the Java 2 SDK. Command is jarsigner …
2. Netscape Signing Tool—a tool that is provided by Netscape for signing applets in Navigator/Communicator. The latest version of the signing tool may be download from http://developer.netscape.com/software/signedobj/jarpack.html. (Note that Netscape no longer makes older versions of the signing tool available for download.) Command is signtool … -
A tool to help visualise API differences between two different versions of a project. Jardiff takes two jar files and outputs all the public API changes as xml, html or plain text. Currently this is command line driven, though we are working on an ant plugin. It requires java 1.4 to run.
When an application is launched, Java Web Start inspects the JNLP file and creates an HTTP GET request with the URL and version ID. If no version attribute is specified, then Java Web Start simply creates an HTTP GET request of the JAR file. The response status code and MIME type from the Web server are inspected by Java Web Start to determine if the JAR file has a newer version.
Delivering client-side Java technology-based programs has recently been a daunting task. Browser differences — both in versions of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and security architecture — have caused many developers to abandon rich client-side solutions in favor of using Java technology on the server, with JavaServer Pages (JSPTM) and servlets. But now that Java Web Start — and the underlying Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP) — are a standard part of the Java 2 platform (as of version 1.4), it's far easier to deploy cross-platform, client-side systems.
In this article, you'll take a look at what Java Web Start and JNLP are, learn how to use Java Web Start to run JNLP-packaged applications, and learn how to build and deploy your own.
Today i am searching solutions for any tips and tricks about best practice to optimize PHP code performances and i found some of useful articles which you may interested with.
links for 2009-03-11
As you know earlier I had parsed Aamir Khan’s Blog to create a feed. It was custom screen scraping code to generate the feed.Today, after reading Anand’s blog, I did the same using YQL and Pipes. Using YQL/PIPE is much easier than writing custom code and is less buggy.
PJama is an experimental prototype that implements Orthogonal Persistence for the Java platform (OPJ), which is an approach to making application objects persist between program executions with the minimum possible effort required from the application programs themselves.
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) complements Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) by providing another way of thinking about program structure. In addition to classes, AOP gives you aspects. Aspects enable modularization of concerns such as transaction management that cut across multiple types and objects. (Such concerns are often termed crosscutting concerns.)
The ajc command compiles and weaves AspectJ and Java source and .class files, producing .class files compliant with any Java VM (1.1 or later). It combines compilation and bytecode weaving and supports incremental builds;
This is a blog about programming. Specifically, it is about how programming tools can help make you a better programmer. Even more specifically, it is about how we are making tools for aspect-oriented programming languages so that these languages can become more accessible.
This page allows you to encrypt text with a specified key, yielding an encoded message, and decode encrypted messages, recovering the original text. All encryption is performed entirely within your Web browser using the JavaScript language (which, obviously, must be enabled in order to use this page). Nothing is sent to any Web site when you encrypt or decrypt a message! You can, if you wish, download a copy of this page and the JavaScript programs it includes to your own computer and use it even when you're not connected to the Internet. (For this purpose, you may prefer the monolithic "lean" version with documentation removed and all JavaScript programs embedded into a single Web page.)
Public key encryption in Javascript encrypts form data at the client side for the whole transfer from sender to the final receiver. Form data can be transferred without using an SSL connection and is stored encrypted on the server. Only the final receiver can decrypt it.
TikiWiki (Tiki) is your Groupware/CMS (Content Management System) solution. Tiki has the features you need:
* Wikis (like Wikipedia)
* Forums (like phpBB)
* Blogs (like WordPress)
* Articles (like Digg)
* Image Gallery (like Flickr)
* Map Server (like Google Maps)
* Link Directory (like DMOZ)
* Multilingual (like Babel Fish)
* Bug tracker (like Bugzilla)
* RSS feeds (in & out)
* Free source software (LGPL)
links for 2009-03-10
View and control your mobile phone from your desktop computer in real-time by using your keyboard, mouse and PC screen. The essential tool for your personal productivity, application testing and presentations.
emoFONE.com is a technology preview for presenting, demoing and viewing mobile applications directly from a smartphone to a web audience via live web casting.
With demoFONE.com you can "beam" the screen of any S60 3rd Edition (*) based mobile phone to the web – in real-time!
links for 2009-03-09
Oracle bind passes the variables by reference. This is understandable if how Oracle obtains the value of a program variable is known. Oracle can get the value of a variable if it knows three things: the address of the value, the length in bytes of the value and to what type to convert the value to.
You should also know that there are actually two ways in which you can use bound variables between PHP and Oracle. The method discussed here is called bound parameters, meaning that the parameters of a query are bound to variables (you'll also see this referred to as a prepared statement). The other method is bound results, which is a different way of retrieving values from a database (after running a SELECT query).
Welcome to the Oracle+PHP Cookbook! Whether you are a Web developer or enterprise developer looking to combine the robustness of the Oracle engine with the simplicity, performance, and ease-of-use of PHP, you are bound to find several interesting "recipes" here, each contributed by PHP coders, that will help you take full advantage of both technologies.
Plura Processing has developed a new and innovative technology for distributed computing. Our patent-pending technology can be embedded in any webpage. Visitors to these webpages become nodes and perform very small computations for the application running on our distributed computing network.
Our patent-pending technology enables computers all over the world to quickly and efficiently contribute to fascinating computing problems. Our distribution model allows for incredible reach that gives our customers more computing power than ever before.
links for 2009-03-06
Shorty is a simple tool for creating shorter, human- readable links from long URLs. You install Shorty on your server, so the links you create with it never go away. You can also manage your links and see how often people click on them
links for 2009-03-04
links for 2009-03-03
Firebird is a relational database offering many ANSI SQL standard features that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms. Firebird offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and powerful language support for stored procedures and triggers. It has been used in production systems, under a variety of names, since 1981.
HSQLDB is the leading SQL relational database engine written in Java. It has a JDBC driver and supports a rich subset of ANSI-92 SQL (BNF tree format) plus SQL 99 and 2003 enhancements. It offers a small (less than 100k in one version for applets), fast database engine which offers both in-memory and disk-based tables and supports embedded and server modes. Additionally, it includes tools such as a minimal web server, in-memory query and management tools (can be run as applets) and a number of demonstration examples.
Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array.
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain.
Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java and available under the Apache License
Java™ * – as a platform-independent programming language – has the disadvantage that the generated bytecode can be decompiled relatively easily. Thus, your Java™ based development is fairly unprotected. Considering this, we have developed the JarCryp™ technology, which is included within the JInstaller™ Secure Edition The JInstaller™ Secure Edition… . This technology enables us to encrypt your bytecode without the need for any Virtual Machine modifications
ClassGuard is a tool to prevent Java decompiling. Your Java class files are encrypted using a 128Bit AES encryption. The AES key is generated randomly every time you start the encryption tool. The decryption is done transparently by a custom class loader. The main part of this class loader is written in C to prevent decompiling and other tampering.
tweet 4 blood you can tweet your blood requests to followers @tweet4blood who are donors. Tweets are also hashtagged city wise for easy finding.
You dont have to login to tweet it from here. But make sure not to spam the community.
we decided to implement a "schema-less" storage system on top of MySQL rather than use a completely new storage system. This post attempts to describe the high-level details of the system. We are curious how other large sites have tackled these problems, and we thought some of the design work we have done might be useful to other developers.
links for 2009-03-02
Project SailFin is based on robust and scalable SIP Servlets Technology contributed by Ericsson. This currently implements JSR 116. We will be working towards achieving JSR 289 compatibility, adding high availability and clustering features and integrating with the existing GlassFish services.
links for 2009-03-01
DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts. All data is stored in plain text files – no database is required.
This project was started in June 2008 as a way to simplify the setup and installation process of Ubuntu on the Asus Eee PC, and to provide a method for upgrading to future versions of third-party drivers and stable Linux kernels. It has since grown to span two releases of Ubuntu (Hardy Heron and Intrepid Ibex) plus provide preliminary support for non-Asus hardware (i.e., Acer Aspire One, MSI Wind, Dell Mini, HP Mini, etc.)
UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions from Windows or Linux, without requiring you to burn a CD. You can either let it download one of the many distributions supported out-of-the-box for you, or supply your own Linux .iso file if you've already downloaded one or your preferred distribution isn't on the list.