Clear skies
Category: Instagram
Twitter is fun
Twitter is fun
#tannusbeerproject BrewDog Punk IPA, its average. 4/10
#tannusbeerproject BrewDog Punk IPA, its average. 4/10
#tannusbeerproject BrewDog dead pony club – it's light and not bad, so you can drink a lot 5/10
#tannusbeerproject BrewDog dead pony club – it's light and not bad, so you can drink a lot 5/10
Sleeping time
Sleeping time
AQI has been very decent last few days in Bangalore
AQI has been very decent last few days in Bangalore
Barton Towers MG Road
Network UPS is up and running, but for some reason @homeassistant is refusing to connect.
Network UPS is up and running, but for some reason @homeassistant is refusing to connect.
So I made it at @theworkshop_blr It's a recipe book holder.It was fun.
So I made it at @theworkshop_blr It's a recipe book holder.It was fun.
Its not 1990s or 2000s but still have font rendering issues.
Its not 1990s or 2000s but still have font rendering issues.