While you are on the topic of suicides, There were at least 125 suicides due to #Lockdown & related sufferings.
While you are on the topic of suicides, There were at least 125 suicides due to #Lockdown & related sufferings.
RT @Article14live: At least 516 Indians have died in the #lockdown. 100 in road accidents. 100 by suicide. 100 from hunger, exhaustion, fin…
RT @sagarikaghose: 270 non-virus deaths until April 24 in this data base. #Lockdown exhaustion, walking: 17 dead. Road or train accidents…
RT @shwetawrites: My heart’s heavy. As we are under #lockdown, India’s biodiverse forests are being quietly sold to mining.
I’m following…
RT @shwetawrites: NGOs doing donation drives in #India during #Lockdown to help those who need food.
This is a #food donation thread only…
RT @shwetawrites: The cutest story on #lockdown
How a rather lonely 14-year-old tries to smuggle his friend in a suitcase to his flat, th…
RT @_sanjanajana: Some nuanced thinking on #lockdown. In times of fear, we are much more likely to hand over essential freedoms to the Stat…
RT @vrsrini: We took a look at the estimated numbers of people (in urban India) who will be most vulnerable to the #lockdown (daily wagers,…