If you want to know how this system works 👇
JSONFeed River with CouchDB as Backend
If you want to know how this system works 👇
JSONFeed River with CouchDB as Backend
RT @ChinmayTumbe: Now that the virus is in India, a thread 👇🏼 on the potential geography of the virus spread based on known migration patte…
RT @MelissaLantsman: This decision 👇 should make you angry and it’s being made so you don’t question assumptions or the timetable on restri…
RT @anuragkashyap72: This thread 👇🏼
Doing a thread on #NPR
To understand NPR, we need to understand wars & migration. The idea NPR came after the war with kargil in 1999. Where pakistanis entered India in civil clothes and we couldn't identify them. #IndiaAgainstCAA #IndiaAgainstNRC pic.twitter.com/FY5zdGLmkO
— Srinivas Kodali (@digitaldutta) December 23, 2019
<img width="903" height="903" src="https://thej.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/all-about-indian-concentration-camps.jpg" class="insta-image" alt="All about Indian concentration camps.
Link in the bio and also 👇
www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article…” srcset=”https://thej.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/all-about-indian-concentration-camps.jpg 903w, https://thej.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/all-about-indian-concentration-camps-300×300.jpg 300w, https://thej.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/all-about-indian-concentration-camps-150×150.jpg 150w, https://thej.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/all-about-indian-concentration-camps-768×768.jpg 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 903px) 100vw, 903px” />
All about Indian concentration camps.
Link in the bio and also
Instagram filter used: Normal
RT @Meerasrini: Disclaimer: Parallels with another island are unintended, may however be incidental 🤓👇🏽
“By promising not to fight the next…
A guy @Riaz81 wrote a thread about How Modi behaves arrogantly in public places, but he received so many hate messa…
RT @churumuri: Question: How many plastic bottles does it take for two people to discuss better “waste management” in Bangalore?
Answer: 👇🏿…